So here are the steps to get the modem working:
1. Ignore the instructions that come with the modem (if you bought the modem from 3 in australia)
2. Download the drivers from here (updated link – drivers now hosted here) and install them onto your Mac. Make sure you install the second file in the zip. The first doesn’t work!
3. Plug the modem into your Mac’s USB port and wait until the modem stops flashing green.
4. Open up “Network Preferences” and click the “+” sign in the bottom left of the screen to add a new service:
5. Select the HUAWEI Mobile from the interface list and then give your Service a name:
6. Now setup your service by entering a telephone number of *99# but leave the Account Name and Password blank. Then click the Advanced button:
Known APN’s (thanks everyone for posting these!):
- 3 Australia Mobile Broadband – 3internet
- 3 Australia Prepaid Broadband – 3services
- Vodaphone Australia –
- Optus - connect
- O2 - (Account Name: 02bb Password: password)
- UK 3 –
- UK t-mobile –
- Vodafone UK: APN: internet, userid/password: web, web on CHAP
- Vodafone UK prepaid: APN: pp.internet, userid/password: web, web on CHAP
- Vodafone UK pay-as-you go and topup: APN: pp.internet, userid/password: web, web on CHAP
- Vodafone Italy –
- AP for Guatemala Tigo -
- AP for Honduras Tigo -
- Morocco –
- Hungarian Pannon ISP – net
- Telia Sweden –
- O2 in Czech Republic – Username: Internet, Password: Internet
- Zain (Kuwait) – hspps
- MTN (South Africa) – myMTM (or internet) – username: MTN, password: MTN
- Vodafone Portugal –